Trump has announced this morning that he plans on holding the largest Easter Egg hunt ever in the entire world. He claimed it would draw a bigger crowd than the 2020 Olympics. "I think it will be a great (egg)hunt, one of the best, biggest, no one knows more about eggs than i do" Trump boasted.
however, this comes as a shock to many, since only a few days ago he advised everyone to limit gatherings to 10 people, to help slow the spread of COVID-19, which has become a global pandemic. Health officials, as well as everyone else, are curious as to how the corona virus is going to disappear as fast as the presidents tax returns.
These concerns have not been completely reassured by the director of the National Institue of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Anthony Fauci. Fauci explained the date to reopen was "flexible", a term usually used when desperate for a job, or lying to a tinder date, not stopping a pandemic.
Despite the recent shut down of schools, resturaunts, and events nationwide, Trump reassured the press that his bunny suit is currently being made, and will be ready by Easter Sunday.